Unveiling “Dinosaur Eggs & Blue Ribbons” at the MA South Shore Regional Science Fair


Barnas & Pat at the South Shore Regional Science Fair

Barnas Monteith, along with Pat Monteith, of Mistersciencefair.com, unveiling the newest version of “Dinosaur Eggs & Blue Ribbons” (DEBR) at the MA South Shore Regional Science Fair, at Bridgewater State University.  This is the very same science fair featured within the book, where Barnas began his science fair winning streak, ultimately ending up with multiple first place International science fair awards.

“Dinosaur Eggs & Blue Ribbons” is a book designed to inspire children to join science fairs, both for the rich adventures and rewards that can be had.  DEBR chronicles Barnas Monteith’s early days as a field paleontologist as well as a science fair participant.

Pat Monteith at Regional Science Fair

Here you see Pat Monteith, who is also a science fair mentor, along with one of her students, Chad, who entered the South Shore Regional Science Fair, with a project about polar bears.  The study uses publicly available data to track long term climate change and its effects on wildlife.

Here you see Barnas, along with another of Pat’s students, focused on a study to help the blind create abstract art via a special tool which is simple to use and yields stunning artwork, similar to Jackson Pollock’s works.

For more information on DEBR, click here.

If you have any interest in becoming a Mistersciencefair mentee, please contact us via our Contact Us page link above.


MisterScienceFair co-founder Barnas Monteith slated for Winter season science fair book release

Dinosaur Eggs & Blue Ribbons: Science Fairs Inside & Out, published by Tumblehome Learning and distributed by IPG, Independent Publishers Group (so you can purchase library and school copies through Baker & Taylor, Follett, etc. or major retailers/e-tailers) is lined up for IPG’s winter season release.

SEM closeup titanosaur eggshell

SEM micrograph closeup of titanosaur eggshell – some of the microstructural morphology science featured in ‘Dino Eggs & Blue Ribbons’

The book is a personal look at science fairs through coming up with an idea, to going out in the field and collecting data (in this case, the field is the desert in Arizona and Montana), and entering science fairs for 6 years, to winning multiple International Science Fairs and breaking various science fair records.  Part memoir, and part how-to, Dinosaur Eggs & Blue Ribbons is a must-have book for every would-be science fair participant in upper elementary & middle school grades.  Suggestions and tips are informed from the perspective of both a participant and leader of one of the USA’s first and currently fastest growing science fair organizations, the MA State Science & Engineering Fair, held annually at MIT for the past 65 years.

Below is an early artist’s conception of the book cover, featuring a cartoon layover, on top of the real science project display boards used during Barnas’ early science fair years:

Dino Eggs & Blue Ribbons: Science Fairs Inside & Out

Stay in touch with us to find out when the ‘Dinosaur Eggs book is coming out and we’ll put you on a list to receive a special pre-order discount price.  Contact us here 

Vlog: THL & MisterScienceFair at the Boston Book Festival – Video of the G.A.S. Series Release

Tumblehome Learning and MisterScienceFair were at this year’s Boston Book Festival, held in Copley Square — downtown Boston, Massachusetts.   Barnas Monteith and Penny Noyce unveiled the new books in the Galactic Academy of Science series, and showed off their second edition books with all new covers and art (the first edition books will soon be collector’s items so be sure to get yours right away).

Here is what they had to say, in this interview at the Fair, followed by audio introductions of the new GAS books, narrated by the authors themselves:

See more about the books they discussed here.